Journal – Miranda Law and Policy Review (MLPR)


Types of Submissions

The MLPR Journal invites original, unpublished manuscripts from all academicians, authors, undergraduate and postgraduate students in the following categories:

1. Articles – 4,500 – 7,000 words - Articles should contain sustained analysis of legal and policy topics. They may be either- doctrinal or theoretical (or both) and must comprehensively deal with all relevant literature on the chosen subject to formulate well-reasoned positions. An article is, therefore, ordinarily conservative in its method of analysis.

2. Essays– 3,000 – 4,500 words - Essays, in comparison with Articles, are usually more adventurous in their method and seek to challenge existing legal and policy analysis paradigms or innovatively address well-known problems. It is strongly recommended that essays be considerably more concise, in terms of scope and conceptualization. Fresh approaches to deciding issues are encouraged.

3. Other submissions – 1,500-3,000 words - Other pieces that do not specifically fall into any of the aforementioned sections will also be considered. The Board specifically solicits Book Reviews, short responses to previous publications, and notes on an author’s practical experiences in ligation, policy advocacy, field research, etc. All word limits are exclusive of footnotes.

Submission Guidelines

■ Submissions should contain the manuscript, abstract, and authors’ details in three separate documents. All documents must be in Microsoft Word’s .doc or .docx format only.

■ Submissions must only be in the form of electronic copies. Your submissions will be acknowledged within 48 hours. We follow a peer review process, where the piece is sent out for peer review after two rounds of internal scrutiny by the Editorial Board.

■ In case the submission is accepted, the board shall inform the authors of the Reviewer’s comments and the authors will be afforded a reasonable time to submit a revised draft considering the reviewer’s comments.

Formatting Guidelines

■ Citation Format: All submissions must conform to the American Psychological Association, (7th Edition) citation system. The same can be accessed at https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/student-paper-setup-guide.pdf

■ Speaking footnotes are not discouraged. A submission that is either insufficiently cited or is seen as not adhering to the citation format will be deemed rejected.

■ Abstract: Every submission must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 350 words that outlines the area of study and any important conclusions that may be drawn by the author(s).

■ Joint Contributions: Collaborative articles and essays by up to two authors shall also be considered.

■ Authors: Authors must submit their designations, current institutional affiliations, email and postal addresses, and other such relevant details. Such details shall be mailed in a separate document and must not appear anywhere in the manuscript or the abstract.