Miranda House has been ranked no. 2 amongst colleges by NIRF Ranking 2024

Memorandum of Association

  1. Name of the Association The name of the Association shall be The Miranda House Alumnae Association.

  2. Registered Office The office of the Association will be located in Miranda House, Chhattra Marg, University of Delhi, Delhi or at such other place as the Executive Committee may decide.

  3. Aims and ObjectivesThe aims and objectives of the Association are:

    • To contribute towards the development of Miranda House as a premiere Women's college.
    • To work for the development, growth and welfare of the college and its students and to foster the progressive, secular and liberal values enshrined in the Constitution of India.
    • To foster friendship and maintain contact amongst the old students and between them and the college and to promote and help with various academic, sports and cultural activities of the college and outside the college to help in the growth of the association.
    • To assist in and contribute towards the building, maintenance and modernization of college infrastructure.
    • To help organize activities for fund raising and to receive gifts and donations for infrastructure development and other activities of the college.
    • To work for the welfare of the past and present students of the college and past teachers and non-teaching staff and to institute scholarships and fellowships for needy and meritorious students.
    • To work towards the goal of gender equality and empowerment of women/girls in its academic, social and cultural activities.

  4. Incomes and Property of the AssociationAll the incomes, earnings, movable and immovable properties of the Society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objectives as set forth in the Memorandum of Association and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever, to the present or past members of the Association or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or the past members. No member of the Society shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the Society or make any profits, whatsoever, by virtue of her membership.

  5. Executive CommitteeThere will be an Executive Committee and one or more patrons of the Society. The Executive Committee of the Society will be an elected body and will be constituted annually in accordance with the Rules of the Association. The Executive Committee may nominate one or more patron(s).

Rules and Regulations

  1. Membership The Membership of the Association will be open to all former students of the College. Teachers and former teachers of the College who have not been students of the College can become Associate Members without rights to vote or hold any office in the Association.

    The life membership fee for both ordinary and associate members will be Rs. 2000 (Rupees two thousand). The life membership fee for an alumna residing in Europe, UK, Canada, Australia and the US will be US $ 250. The life membership fee will be Rs. 2000 for alumnae residing abroad in developing countries. The students of the graduating batch will be given a special discounted rate of Rs. 500 for life membership.

    The Executive Committee of the Association may revise the membership fee from time to time.

  2. Executive Committee

    There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of eleven members as follows:

    President (one ): Amongst the senior alumnae (passed out over 20 years earlier)
    Vice-President (one): Open to all alumnae
    Secretary (one): Open to all alumnae
    Joint Secretary (one): Open to all alumnae
    Treasurer (one): Open to all alumnae
    Executive Members: One each from alumnae who passed out in each decade starting from 1950.
    Ex-officio members: The Principal and the Vice-principal of the College as well as the President and the Secretary of the Students' Union shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee without any voting rights

  3. Election of Office Bearers and Members of the Executive Committee The President and all other office bearers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected. Elections will be held every two years at the Annual General Body Meeting of the Association.

    The new Office Bearers and Members of the Executive Committee shall assume office from the first day of the month following their election in the Annual General Body Meeting. The conduct of the Election shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee.

    The Executive Committee will hold office for two years. No office bearer of the Committee may seek re-election for more than two consecutive terms for the same post.

  4. Meetings and Procedures

    • The accounting year shall be 1st April to 31st March.
    • There shall be at least one General Body meeting every year. A 15-day notice shall be given to the members for holding a General Body meeting.
    • The audited accounts of the Association for the previous year shall be presented in the General Body Meeting of the Association.
    • Any fifty members of the Association can convene a special meeting of the General Body of the Association by a written request to the Secretary, specifying the purpose of the meeting. In such a case, a notice of one month will be essential.
    • Any four members of the Executive Committee may make a written request to the Secretary, specifying the purpose, to convene a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Association. In such a case, a notice of fifteen days will be essential.
    • The quorum for the General Body Meeting shall be fifty members, and for the Executive Committee Meeting four members. If there is no quorum, the meeting may be adjourned and reconvened within an hour.

  5. Duties of Office Bearers
    1. President
      1. The President of the Association shall preside over all the meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee
      2. She shall conduct and supervise the activities of the Association.
    2. Vice-President The Vice-President shall act for the President in the absence of the latter or on other occasions if so desired by the President.
    3. Secretary
      1. The Secretary shall conduct the day-to-day activities of the Association.
      2. She shall maintain a record of all the proceedings of the meeting of the Association and of the Executive Committee.
      3. She shall issue notices specifying the agenda for the meetings of the Association and its Executive Committee.
    4. Joint Secretary The Joint-Secretary shall assist the Secretary in the conduct of the business of the Association and shall act for the Secretary in her absence or when so desired by the Secretary.
    5. Treasurer The Auditors appointed by the Executive Committee shall audit the accounts. The auditors shall be Chartered Accountants and the Executive Committee shall decide their tenure.
  6. Audit The Auditors appointed by the Executive Committee shall audit the accounts. The auditors shall be Chartered Accountants and the Executive Committee shall decide their tenure.
  7. Amendments Any amendments to these rules can be made only by the General Body of the Association in a meeting by a two-third majority of the members present. The notice of the proposed amendments shall be sent to the Secretary in writing at least three weeks before the date of the meeting.
  8. General
    1. All funds of the Association shall be deposited in an account maintained in a schedule bank. The President and the Treasurer or the Secretary and the Treasurer shall operate the bank accounts jointly. Petty cash, as decided by the Executive Committee shall be handled by the Treasurer to meet the contingent expenses.
    2. The Executive Committee may, from time to time, frame regulations for the conduct of the business of the Association. The Executive Committee may also allocate funds for secretarial assistance and such other matters as may be necessary from time to time
    3. All documents and deeds relating to the affairs of the Association shall be signed or executed by such office bearers of the Association as may be authorized by the Executive Committee on their behalf.
    4. An endowment fund (a permanent fund, which cannot be used except for the interest accrued on this fund) shall be created by the Association.
  9. Dissolution If the Society needs to be dissolved it shall be dissolved as per the provisions laid down under Sections 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act 1860. If upon the dissolution of the Society there remains, after the settlement of its debts and liabilities, any movable or immovable property, this shall not be given to or distributed among the members of the Society but shall be given to some other Society with similar objectives (to be determined by the vote of not less than three-fifths of the members present personally or by proxy at the time of the dissolution or, in default, by competent court).
  10. Application of the Act All provisions of the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 (Punjab Amendment Act 1957) as extended to the Union Territory of Delhi will apply to the Society.
  11. Amendment 1 (December 11, 2004) Inserted under Section 2 of Rules and Regulations at the end of the clause regarding Executive Members

In addition, the EC may co-opt four more members as and when necessary without reference to the years during which they were students of Miranda House.