Amba Dalmia Digital Resource Centre for Visually Challenged provides an enabling environment and state-of-art assistive technologies to the visually challenged members of Miranda House community. First of its kind at DU, ADDRC was established within the library premises on the ground level with an endowment of Rs. 5 lakh from alumna and then faculty member Dr. Manju Kapur Dalmia in 2005-06. The college also expended funds and continues to invest generously in its infrastructure, academic needs and manpower requirements. The Library organizes a special Orientation Programme for the visually challenged students. This supplements the efforts of Lakshita, the Enabling Society. In addition to the Desktops with assistive software like Jaws, Safa, Lekha, and talking typewriter, printers and audio recording equipments it has a Braille Embosser and Lex Scanner. The ADDRC has more than 1000 books and magazines in Braille for ready reference.