Miranda House has been ranked no. 2 amongst colleges by NIRF Ranking 2024

Metric: 4.1.2

The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga centre etc.

A. Facilities for outdoor activities

Front Lawns

Cafeteria Lawns

Arcade Lawns


Open Gym

B. Facilities for Sports and Physical Activities

Sports and Physical Education:

Miranda House has a Sports Ground and facilities for outdoor and indoor sports.

Competitive Sports:

The college has 18 Sports Teams and competitively participates in the following disciplines:

Archery Athletics (Track & Field) Ball Badminton Basketball Chess Cross-country
Half Marathon Judo Korfball Netball Power Lifting Shooting (Rifle)
Shooting (Pistol) Table Tennis Taekwondo Tennis Weigh t Lifting Yoga

Miranda House is the only college that has an Outdoor Bounce Back Shock Proof Surface Basketball Court (26mts X 14mts.). This was made in 2009 with a grant from the Delhi Kalyan Samiti. The upkeep of the Tennis Court is ensured by resurfacing it every five years or so. The traditional claysurface has been replaced by a synthetic surface (23.77mts X 10.97mts) in 2015. MH also has Husky Taekwondo mats (25 mm thickness) for Taekwondo & Martial Arts competition arenaof 10mts.X 10mts. The college also has sports ground which is used for competitive netball (30.5 mts X 15.25 mts), ball badminton (13.4mts X 6.1 mts.), archery (10 mts & 25 mts), Athletics (Field events and Flat races events) and general conditioning. Yoga and Aerobic sessions are also held in sports ground. The college also providefacilities for Chess.

Facilities Available:



Open gym






C. Facilities for Cultural Activities

Student’s Activity Centre (SAC)

New Seminar Hall


College Hostel Garden

Bank Foyer

Bank Foyer

Mini Auditorium